We can provide excellent e-mail hosting in many different varieties depending upon your needs:
@sturgessnet.co.uk e-mail account – £25 per year
This is our most basic of e-mail options and gives you a simple e-mail address of the style fred.bloggs@sturgessnet.co.uk
You get 400Mb of e-mail box space, your own web mail page to access your e-mail from anywhere in the world and the ability to set an autoresponder if you are away at any time. We also provide spam filtering to minimise any junk mail.
@yourowndomain.co.uk Home web package – £45 per year
This package gives you your very own domain name of your own choice so your e-mail could be of the style anything@fredbloggs.co.uk. In addition to the above, you also get 100Mb of web space for your own web pages and your own control panel to manage your web and e-mail yourself.
Exchange Mail Account – £140 per year
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